sabato 30 luglio 2011
A tutorial on Obscurance and SDF coming soon
In a couple of days I will post a detailed description of my MeshLab plugin that includes the Obscurance and Shape Diameter Function filter, including an explanation of the source code. Stay tuned! :)
venerdì 29 luglio 2011
GPU - accelerated Shape Diameter Function filter for MeshLab

An other MeshLab's filter coming! I developed (together with the previous filter of Obscurance) one filter that calculates the Shape-Diameter Function (SDF). SDF is a scalar function defined on the mesh surface. It expresses a measure of the neighborhood diameter of the object at each point on the surface on the mesh surface. You can think about SDF as reasonable measure of the 'thickness' of an object.
It is useful to segment 3D objects into meaningful parts but also a pratical way to evaluate the thickness of your objects before 3D printing them. The SDF is also used for the auto-skeletonisation of characters, animals ecc... It would be nice to exploit this work developing a filter for auto-rigging a character, a nice feauture that was recently added to the Mixamo tools ( See the reference paper for further details:
A preview of the filter was published on the MeshLab's Facebook page.
Lucy model, courtesy of Stanford University. (
martedì 26 luglio 2011
A GPU based Meshlab plugin for Obscurance!!

If you use ambient occlusion in your work, consider using my filter instead, because obscurance avoids the strong darkening of internal parts with a spatial decay term. You can see the preview of the plugin in the Facebook's page of MeshLab. Maybe I will provide some explanations of the implementation in a future post. All the source code is provided together with MeshLab. (At time I am writing my folder is in src/fgt/filter_sdfgpu.The name comes from the other filter included, more about this in the future). You can download everything via SVN. For further details see the reference paper: Iones Krupkin Sbert Zhukov - Fast, Realistic Lighting for Video Games - IEEECG&A 2003
Welcome to my blog! 3D graphics programming & more!
Welcome! This is simply a blog about my works in the field of 3d graphics programming. It will serve both as portfolio and as a place for some observations. Sometimes I will provide the source code of my works in the hope that will help you. You can contact me at baldacci85[at]
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