mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

Global illumination with Ogre: Source code released

Here it is the code of global illumination demo for Ogre. This demo relies on Ogre 1.7.1 and its deffered shading system. As I stated in the previous posts, it is a very basic technique ( Based on "Reflective Shadow Maps" by Carsten Dachsbacher and Marc Stamminger ) for a faster and more advanced implementation ( or to adapt it to your needs ) you can contact me ( baldacci85'at'hotmail'dot'it).

(Please note that, for now, the binary is compiled in debug mode, and that in the demo are included and activated the motion blur and dof ).

The overlay pannel was included in a previous version, maybe I can include it again. In the provided demo, there is a single spot light and 256 virtual points lights that simulates the indirect illumination.